We are a family. We treat each other as brothers and sisters that share a lifestyle, common interests, and a common background. Since we are a "Club", there are certain requirements to join.


We provide a club for qualified military veterans, which offers brotherhood and opportunity to establish relationships with other military veterans who served in the defense of the United States of America.


We establish and support a strong sense of pride in having served in the active military service of the United States of America and work hard to improve the image of military veterans and bikers to the general public.


We are not a 1% club nor do we have any intention of becoming one. We are not about territory and we do not pose any threat to any other club. We do not interfere with the existence or operation of any other club. Keep one thing in mind, we ARE a Three Piece Patch MC and there is a level of CONDUCT and COMMITMENT that will be expected.

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